Vision Of Exellence


Engaging With Expertise ​

The Box

Getting your best. In what you are good at

Being excellent or at your best in a profession, field or discipline. In entrepreneurship, design, sports, science, art…   Excelling in an attitude or quality. In the skill of listening empathetically. In mediating and negotiating. In the way of contact, communication and connection with others and the environment.
Excellence is more than delivering top performance.


.Excellence can go hand in hand with responsibility and commitment.  Dedicate and engage with the skills and expertise one has.  Being your best is not a goal in itself. Excellence shows an example of how we can use the gift of our talents and talents. 

With Expertise ​

​We excelleren wanneer we met inzet en toewijding op ons best zijn op het vlak van werk, relatie, communicatie… Met het talent en de bagage van vaardigheden, kwaliteiten en vindingrijkheid waarover we beschikken. Excelleren is het beste uit jezelf halen. Je skills ten volle ontplooien en laten renderen. Op je best zijn en doen waar je goed in bent.


.Excellence is then at the service of the whole and cohesion, of well-being, of development and progress. How do others benefit or benefit from what you do to be your best at what you are good at? An interesting question to ask yourself and be open to feedback.


Most  people who are excellent don't just get there. They have come a long way. They had to put in quite a lot of effort, spend a lot of time and usually work hard to achieve that result. They are thinkers and doers. They sense and follow what their feelings suggest.

​Respect & Self-knowledge

​People who excel do so without exhausting or stressing themselves out. They are not overcome by a busy-busy-busy cult and an insatiable hunger for challenges. Their goal is not in the way.
The gift of talent and the skills we have are used with respect for our own possibilities, limits and capacity. We do not need a society in which even more demands, expectations and pressure are placed, causing people to succumb to depression, fatigue syndromes, feelings of inferiority and burnout. 
To excel is to set the bar high. Just high enough that it remains possible to get over it. A successful jump. To excel, we must have good self-analysis and self-knowledge free from overconfident over- or depressing underestimation. You need to know that you can jump, what height the bar can be set and where the limits are in what can be achieved.
Excellence shows an example of self-care, involvement and commitment. Excellence contributes to the renewal and development of society and the possibilities we have to make life brighter. Excellence seeks realizations for progress and effective solutions to social problems.
The current climate and social plea to lower the bar, because everyone must be able to keep up, led to under- or undeveloped talent and even an aversion to excelling for years. Upholding the appearance of equality and wallowing in indignation without taking responsibility yourself. 
Is this tide of time turning?   We need people who excel. To people who come up with effective and feasible solutions to tackle social problems. To the excellent decisiveness to carry them out.